Monday, May 12, 2008

OMG, SOLs are coming up!!!

As most of you pre teens know, the Middle school math SOLs are tomorrow! I still have to study the ever so easy curriculum of the seventh grade. HaHaHa superdydooperTAG students (Tommy, Alex, Bryson, Markie, etc.) who are taking the eighth grade SOL. I'll keep ya posted for more boring school info ( but hey, it takes up space! ) and other randomness. P.S. Stop stop *clap clap* stop the foolishness :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Randomness and also, STOP STOP stop the foolishness!

Hi, this is calvin again but tommy is gonna write something random and funny. Yo wats up in da HOOD??? Dis be Tommy yalls, and I just wanna say that Miso Soup is really yum yum. That all I got, so, for now, be as ghetto as you can. Also, ya got ta stop dat foolishness!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

D.C. Chants YEAH!!!

#3: ( this is the tricky one...) D.C. United *CLAPCLAPclapclapclapclap* D.C United *CLAPCLAPclaclapclapclap*
If you can get these, your a natural D.C. fanzz!

One of my lizards: Onix

Onix is a bearded dragon and about 2 years old. Onix likes to eat crickets and collard greens. She enjoys laying in the sun or heat lamp. Her sibling is Jade and is curios and energetic. I'll add to this as time goes on and eventually show more pics. I am at my desk right now with Onix and Jade on my shoulder, yes, they can sit on your shoulders!!! They have a thirty gallon tank and have two lights: a heat lamp and a 15 watt floresent bulb to make a 'repleca' of the suns rays. If you visit my other blog you will find two things: more pics. of da lizards and the same post. I am not cheap, i am trying to get the people that only know this blog to know my lizards (with out writing a lot).


One idea i got from was posting games on my blog which i have yet to figure out :l So, if i do figure it out, I want to give Tommys blog full credit for it!!!!! Until next tim...... post!!!hahaha DONT FORGET TO READ THE ONE BELOW TOO!

Lizard Update

My lizards names are Onix and Jade. they're about 3/4 the way grown and im loving it! they are hillarious when they fluff out they're beards (see above picture) or head bobbing (I'll try to get a video of that) NOTE: the pictures in this post are not lizards and are taken by pro's for added detail :) The picture of the (not mine) stacked lizards represent the growth of these reptiles. Mine is at the third stage ( second largest ) See Ya!!!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hey All...

Its great to be back. My other blog had too tricky of a name (cal95lizrd) for anyone to stumble across it. Spring is here and it was time for a new and better blog. My name is calvin and Im 12 years old. My favorite sport is soccer and my favorite soccer team is D.C. United. One current thing you dont know about me is that I am sick and not at school. I'll post more next week and will try to be consistent with updating my blog. And try to leave comments :)